
The apocalypse doesn’t come with a bang, it is creeping slowly into our lives. Our environment is getting more and more polluted at micro and macro scale on a daily basis.

Time to make your Body, mind and homes as healthy, strong and safe as can be. We Strive to help you with that, but first:





is the time we have left to avoid irreversible climate change. And we must stop further ecosystem destruction and environmental pollution today.




is the limit of temperature increase before our earth system turns into chaos.



million households in the UK

can change the system.


The Facts

we are overfed but undernourished,

The food system in the UK and many parts of the world has brought us a diet that is harmful to us and the planet. Highly processed, nutrient poor, energy dense foods often mean that we are undernourished but overfed. As a result, inflammatory diseases are on the rise globally, in the UK and in the communities of Brighton & Hove. These diseases weaken our immune systems and reduce our resilience towards an increasingly toxic environment and new pathogens, including viruses such as COVID19 and communities with poor access to healthy foods are particularly at risk.


Let's take a brief look at the science

if you feel anxious or are having a bad day, we recommend sticking to the 'SOFT FACTS' version. It is still true but will get you in the 'yes we can' spirit faster.


Soft Facts

We have embarked on the experiment of changing the earth system without knowing what comes next. It is impossible to undo this development BUT we have a chance to maintain the planet in a similar state it is in today if we act collectively NOW (and keep doing so until we have changed the system so much that it doesn't feel like system change anymore!).

 Our world is getting more toxic and more turbulent every day. The food we eat is the main driver behind our physical and mental health crisis as well as the mass extinction of animal and plant species around the world.

  • The clothes we wear,

  • The plastic we use and

  • The electronics we buy….

All these things pollute our waters with toxins and micro materials that affect all life on earth. And now we are living in a world that has never (not in three million years) seen this amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, because we still burn fuel in our cars and coal and gas to produce electricity, every day, 365 days a year.  

If we manage to :

  • reduce carbon emissions by about 50% (about 25 gigatons of CO2 emissions per year),

  • avoid further pollution from plastic and fertilizer use and

  • restore our natural and wild spaces…

within the next 10 years, we have a chance to maintain the world as we know it today.



 We can do this together

It will require investigation on your behalf and the commitment to try out new routines in your life, but you're not alone!

We are in this together and this site is here to help all of us get on the way to transform our lifestyles to ones that help us and nature regenerate.

We recommend you make planet saving one of your top 5 (3 be better!) priorities so that it becomes a routine, like taking your shoes off when you come home or checking the weather before you choose what to wear to school. It will increase your happiness, guaranteed.


The hard facts 

The carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere has never been as high as it is now. The graph below from the Nasa website goes back 650 thousand years and illustrates that our current CO2 level is about 70% higher than what it was during an average interglacial period (410 parts per million in 2018).

Earlier this year, the University of Potsdam published a timeline that goes back 3 million years, also confirming that in those three million years, the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has never been this high before.

Carbon dioxide

This high carbon dioxide concentration leads to an enhanced greenhouse gas effect, by which the average surface temperature of the earth gets hotter and hotter, because more and more sun energy is reflected back to the surface of planet earth. Oceans are absorbing about a quarter of the carbon dioxide that we emit, where it increases the acidity of the surface water which in turn reduces chances for corals, shellfish and many plankton species to grow and survive.


Nitrogen and phosphate

Never before has so much nitrogen and phosphate been diluted in our freshwater system (streams, rivers, lakes) and coastal seas. Nitrogen and Phosphate are the two main nutrients that plants need to grow. The fact that these two precious substances are washed into the water streams at alarming rate is proof of the fundamental failure of our food system that is tailored to produce cheap food and meal deals while furthering over fertilisation and bad soil management. The nutrients are not only lost for farming but also hugely damaging to aquatic life as they fuel algae growth, who in turn use up the oxygen in the water, and as a result other organisms struggle to survive. In many regions, nitrate levels have already reached alarming rates in aquifers and fresh water reservoirs with health threats for humans too.

New substances

We have invented new substances and released them to the living world such as micro plastics, nuclear waste (which still today gets dumped in the sea or buried on protected lands), genetically modified organisms and pollutants from pesticide use. Although science can't yet fully quantify how the release of these novel entities affects the stability of the earth system as a whole, we know now that micro plastics end up in our food chain (as do other toxic substances i.e. used in pesticides).

Ecosystem destruction

On top of all this, the continued destruction of natural ecosystems, landscapes and seascapes for the expansion of urban areas, highways, airports etc., farm land as well as extractive activities (oil and gas extraction, precious earth and metal mining for our phones and gadgets, timber extraction, plantation establishment) causes a mass extinction of animal and plant species globally.

It also makes local land- and seascapes less resilient to temperature increases and pollution. Trees and forests are great at regulating the micro-climate, they create shade, release humidity at night and clean the air. Healthy soils clean water from pollutants and flood plains, marshes and coastal reefs are hugely important to act as buffers for rising sea levels and in strong rains. The less intact our ecosystems are, the harder we will be hit by the changing climate.


Want to know more?

 For those looking for a deeper read into the science of climate change, try this…
